這個商標讓在 amazon 上有購物習慣的泰咪很有親切感呀~~
唯一較遺憾的一點,當初就是看阿愣和泰咪曾拿過的美國amazon紙盒顏色幾乎一模一樣,....怎麼日本amazon的顏色反而和阿愣不像了啊???..... U_U
This is why a non-comic-fan Tammy is obsessed with this figure, DANBOARD.
The trademark let me feel warmly 'cause I shop on amazon sometims~~
The only thing Tammy feel a little pity is, DANBOARD is almost same color as the US amazon carton that I'd had, how come the color of JP amazon carton is lighter???..... U_U
ReplyDelete現在你也有啦,而且還兩隻咧!! 呵呵~