Saturday, May 31, 2008

1st Haircut

泰咪最新的小甥 ─ 小恩,打娘胎出來後的第一次剃頭髮唷!


Tammy's newest little nephew, Brian's 1st haircut since he was born!

Not because his hair was too long, precious baby's hair is gonna be made to the memorable writing brush~


這塊招牌就在泰咪每天下班回家必經的路上,尤其天黑後,閃呀閃的 LED 很是引人注意哩!
This signboard is on the way of Tammy's everyday route back home. Especially in the night, the LED flashing is pretty eye catching!

A few days ago, Tammy had a chance to pass through by walk, and I decided to take a look of it.....

Thought it would be a restaurant hidden in the narrow alley, actually it was just a food stand.


(P.S. 請忽視價格,看餐點種類就好嘿!店家櫃台前貼了張公告,因不敵物料成本壓力,自六月份起售價要調漲了..... )
(P.S. pls ignore the prices and just read the items they offer. They put a notice at the counter that since the cost keep rising, all the prices will have to go up from 1st June.)

Pork Burger


Grilled Pork Burger

(Tammy's mom said the taste was good! )

Deep-fried Pork Chop with Cheese

Deep-fried Octopus Roll

趁泰咪嗑掉最後一口豬扒堡前,再給它一次露臉的機會吧! (裡面有些許黃芥茉醬,搭配起來蠻不錯的呢~)
Gave it on more close-up shot before Tammy finish it! There was a little mustard with the sauce, which was pretty match~)

嗯.... 宏豬會社通過測驗!以後又多了個平價速食的新選擇囉~
Hmm.... it passed our test! One more choice when you want something quick & simple!


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium/美麗沖繩之海水族館


或許太毒辣的陽光與黃金週的人潮也是打折扣的原因?? U_U

Not sure if it's because Tammy had visited a few different aquariums, Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium seemed doesn't touch Tammy's heart as much as the media or people said.....

Maybe the super strong sunlight & the big holidays - Golden Week were the key reasons??

這面牆是泰咪覺得整座水族館最美的地方! (很奇怪的觀點吧? ^^)

This wall was the best spot of Tammy's Pick! (an weird point of view, wasn't it? ^^)


Thanked to the remodeling project to this building, let Tammy could catch the relaxed & peaceful mood into this pix!

( ※ 還有更多照片在泰咪的 flickr 裡唷!)
( ※ See more pix @ Tammy's flickr! )

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Temple, Temple & Temple/廟、廟、廟


對不起讓大家久等啦~ XD


鄉巴佬泰咪的首次跟團經驗 ─ 七彩沖繩之旅


(想看更多照片?到泰咪的 flickr 去吧!)

P.S. 記得捧場一下泰咪用心寫的照片說明嘿~ ^^"

Chinese Confucius Temple? Japanese shrine?

The first day in Okinawa, Tammy visited quite a few temples~

(Wanna see more pix? go to Tammy's flickr !)

P.S. remember to read Tammy's photo remarks~ ^^"

Sunday, May 25, 2008




Tammy's dad took hospital's prescription for his medicine last night, and the pharmacy used this plastic bag.

What a memorable, retro logo~~

(The TV CF of this 3 Umbrella's flu medicine had been on air over 20 years ago!)


看到泰咪手背中央隱約有兩條較白的線條嗎? (或者說兩塊較黑區域更容易看得出來)


連續幾天雨後,初放晴的太陽真夠夭壽毒辣呀~~~~~ @_@

See 2 whiter stripes on the back center of Tammy's hand? (or say 2 darker parts may easier to be spotted)

The whiter stripes were under the seams of different fabrics on gloves, which meant where the thicker cloth were.

After days of rain, the first sunshine was real "deadly" strong!!! @_@

Sunday, May 18, 2008



話說台17線沿岸回程的逆風..... 真.要.命!!!!!!! >_<


The electric tower which can be seen far away before arriving Hsing-Ta-Kang. (A fishing port in Kaohsiung Hsien)

The headwind on the way back to Tainan along Provincial Highway No.17 was really killing Tammy!!!!! >_<

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tammy's Word/承諾

(↑今年的南洋雞腿堡/"South Sea Chicken Burger" eaten tonight)

昨天聊到的 MOS 季節限定新商品,是想對照這兩次是否為相同東西,才PO了去年「南蠻雞腿堡」的照片,可不是泰咪偷懶吔~

為了澄清,說什麼也要補上熱騰騰、今晚剛吃的「南洋雞腿堡」以茲證明啦 !!!

不過呢,從漢堡裡的高麗菜絲,就能明顯看出物價上漲的程度了..... >_<

Talked of「Southern Style Chicken Burger」yesterday, Tammy posted the pix taken last year in order to compare the items in these 2 years. Trust me, it really wasn't because of Tammy's laziness!

And now you have my word. Here's hot & fresh, photo of 「South Sea Chicken Burger」taken tonight!!!

However, from the amount of cabbage shreds, we easily see how the price is raised now..... >_<

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

South Wind Blows Again/又吹南風

這幾天看到電視廣告,MOS 推出季節限定的南洋雞腿堡


(↑去年的南蠻雞腿堡/"Southern Style Chicken Burger" a year ago)


Anyway, 管他名字怎麼變,MOS 這項「南X」雞腿堡的好吃是不變的事實,推薦大家也試試哦!!! ^^

A new TV ad on air these days, it's season's limited「South Sea Chicken Burger」by MOS.

Wait, doesn't it just look like「Southern Style Chicken Burger」Tammy had eaten last year???

Just a word's difference and it becomes the new product?!?!

Anyway, no matter how different on the name, what won't be changed is its great taste!

If you've never had one, try it sometime!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Movie's Best Pal


How can you go to a movie without POPCORN & COKE?!?!

Friday, May 9, 2008


沖繩的象徵之一 ─ 扶桑花 (朱槿)


讓某些朋友久等了,不好意思嘿~ ><

One of the symbols of Okinawa, Japan - China Rose (Hibiscus)

Alright, alright, I know some friends have been waited for my pix for days. Pls give Tammy some more time, I'll try to get it done a.s.a.p...... ^^"

Thursday, May 8, 2008


今晚的聚餐氣氛很 high,平時只要兩口就看得出來有喝的泰咪,竟然被大家說看起來還沒喝到的樣子!


都走出店門口了才開始從頭紅到腳,看來泰咪大概一輩子都擺脫不了肉腳的命運了,唉....... U_U

Everybody was in high mood at tonight's dinner party. Usually Tammy is easily told by just a few sips of alcohol, but tonight everyone said I looked totally fine!

The truth was, Tammy started feeling a bit dizzy after we walked out the restaurant. Probably the blood couldn't reach my brain in time to wash away the alcohol? Quickly sat along the fence while we were still chatting. Luckily we only had some beer & light mixed spirit tonight, my dizzy head was much better in the short time.

Alcohol flushed Tammy's whole body (yes, from head to toes), not during the party, this time was just after the party's over! Guess Tammy can never get rid of my crappy drinking capacity in my life...... U_U