有時候,除了故事,泰咪喜愛其片頭(尾),更甚於戲劇本身。 (欸~別誤會哦,劇情當然還是很棒的啦!)
富士電視台春季檔「木10*」─《ラスト・フレンズ》(LAST FRIENDS),是最近讓泰咪覺得『哇~這片頭拍得真讚!』的日劇。1分45秒的長度裡,道出主角們欲言又止的關係及彼此的矛盾;加上搭配符合情境之主題曲 ─ 宇多田ヒカル的『Prisoner Of Love』,光看片頭就是種享受了呢!
※ 木10:星期四晚間10點檔之日劇
Sometimes, Tammy loves the drama's opening (or ending credit) more than drama itself. (Well, don't mistake my meaning. The story is still good to watch!)
The special made opening/ending scenes have always been one of the reasons that Japan dramas attracts Tammy. Not like those common types only cut some scenes from the features, special arranged opening/ending credits shows the relationship of main characters, or their state of minds; maybe by the hints from the action, facial expression, or sometimes by objectified figuration.
This spring on Fuji TV, the drama series,《ラスト・フレンズ》(LAST FRIENDS) is the latest one that let Tammy think :『Wow, what a great opening!!!』
It shows the blurry relationships and conflicts between each character in 1:45". Plus the "just-fit-perfectly" theme song,『Prisoner Of Love』 sung by Hikaru Utada, it's already an enjoyment by just watching the opening!!! ^^"
ReplyDeleteはいはい,かしこまりました! ^^"
...我好像被「亮ちゃん応援大隊」包圍了... XD