渋谷車站、東急百貨、巨型廣告螢幕、109百貨.... 均常出現在各種媒體中
哦~原來全是用 LEGO (樂高) 積木堆出來的呢!!!
樂高在泰咪的童年裡佔有一定比例的份量。當然「樂高高手」這名號是絕對和泰咪扯不上關係,但自幼年時期開始接觸 LEGO 後,從不計其數的小小單一模型、到中大型主題式組合也玩過幾套。雖然泰咪家裡的樂高們早就都束之高閣,但只要看到相關消息或產品,依舊會有一種熟悉的親切感呢~~~
照片中這 1/20 的作品把渋谷街景演繹得活靈活現,連著名的忠犬「ハチ公」(八公) 銅像也有哩~
??? ハチ公在哪呀 ???
得自己買門票進「那須 HIGHLAND PARK」找找囉!!!
One of the most famous (and busiest) intersection in the world - Shibuya, Tokyo.
Shibuya Station, Tokyu department store, tremendous LED screens, 109 department store etc. are often be seen in various media.
What? Shibuya looks a bit different in this pix?
Oh, it's all built by LEGO!!!
LEGO holds a certain part in Tammy's childhood memories. From the single mini models to the mid or large-sized sets, I'd played tons of LEGOs. (but I'm still considered a crappy LEGO player... U_U) Though those LEGOs are all packed and sleep on the shelf for years, I always have that warm & familiar feelings every time I see or hear the products and news about LEGO!
This scale of 1/20 model truly presents the daily life @ Shibuya, even the famous bronze statue, faithful dog Hachikou (忠犬ハチ公) is in there!
Can't see where Hachikou is?? Well, buy the ticket and find it by yourself @ NASU HIGHLAND PARK!!!
※ Original Source from : YAHOO! JAPAN
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