不少影迷喜歡看歷史題材電影,領略古往今來風雲人物的歷史偉績。但,電影是虛擬的藝術,為增加戲劇張力和衝突性,劇情常顛覆史實,影迷恐誤以為真。最近,美國《洛杉磯時報》(註) 圈選了「十大胡扯歷史電影」(Ten Most Historically Inaccurate Movies),影迷們或可參考之。
史前一萬年 沙漠中沒長毛象
三百壯士銅甲披身 非只小皮褲
藝伎回憶錄 場景服飾弄錯
六、《藝伎回憶錄》:在拍賣初夜「水楊」(Mizuage)後,藝伎學徒不僅髮型改變,和服下面的紅色衣領也會換成正式藝伎的白色衣領。但藝伎並不會與初夜的恩客發展進一步的親密關係。此外,章子怡在片中的那場經典的勁歌熱舞,感覺不似戰前的京都,倒像是「Studio 54」的變裝藝人秀。
英雄本色 三百年後男人才穿裙
決戰時刻 男主角畜奴且未婚
九、《決戰時刻》:梅爾吉勃遜在片中扮演的角色乃根據美國獨立戰爭一位綽號「沼澤狐狸」的法蘭西斯馬里恩發展出來,然而他並不是電影中思想前進、生了七個小孩的愛家男人,真實的主人翁畜奴且未婚,直到戰爭結束後才迎娶姪女。歷史學家指控,他曾迫害屠殺原住民契若奇族人(Cherokee),至於梅爾吉勃遜成功為子復仇的吉爾福德縣府戰役(Battle of Guilford Court House),真實歷史是:美國人輸了這一仗。
二○○一太空漫遊 預言錯了
十、《二○○一:太空漫遊》:在這部科幻經典中,二○○一年時,人類已登陸木星,與邪惡的電腦展開智慧之戰,人類進化且呈「量子跳躍」(Quantum Leap)。然而,真實的二○○一年,俄羅斯「和平號」太空站從天上掉下來,人類還停留在微軟Windows XP階段,還在觀看湯姆葛林的低級無聊喜劇《哈啦小子》(Freddy Got Fingered)。不過,有時電影預言錯了,似乎比較好。
※註:雖然中文報導裡寫著新聞來源為《洛杉磯時報》,但只是針對其所開的討論區,原始專題報導來源其實為Yahoo! Movies

(Tammy had seen at least more than half of them.....
Well, we just wanna release the stress most of time we go to the movies. Just think they are part of entertainment, fantasy elements and enjoy! ^^)
We all accept that movies stretch the truth in the interest of building drama. The following ten flicks, however, treat the truth like it was Silly Putty -- pulling and twisting it until it's unrecognizable.
10,000 B.C.

Director Roland Emmerich is usually a stickler for realism (see: sending a computer virus via Macintosh to aliens in Independence Day). So we hate to inform him that woolly mammoths were not, in fact, used to build pyramids. Heck, woolly mammoths weren't even found in the desert. They wouldn't need to be woolly if that were the case. And there weren't any pyramids in Egypt until 2,500 B.C or so.

Emperor Commodus was not the sniveling sister-obsessed creep portrayed in the movie. A violent alcoholic, sure, but not so whiny. He ruled ably for over a decade rather than ineptly for a couple months. He also didn't kill his father, Marcus Aurelius, who actually died of chickenpox. And instead of being killed in the gladiatorial arena, he was murdered in his bathtub.

Though this paean to ancient moral codes and modern physical training is based on the real Battle of Thermopylae, the film takes many stylistic liberties. The most obvious one being Persian king Xerxes was not an 8-foot-tall Cirque du Soleil reject. The Spartan council was made up of men over the age of 60, with no one as young as Theron (played by 37-year-old Dominic West ). And the warriors of Sparta went into battle wearing bronze armor, not just leather Speedos.
The Last Samurai

The Japanese in the late 19th century did hire foreign advisers to modernize their army, but they were mostly French, not American. Ken Watanabe's character was based on the real Saigo Takamori who committed ritual suicide, or "seppuku," in defeat rather than in a volley of Gatling gun fire. Also, it's doubtful that a 40-something alcoholic Civil War vet, even one with great hair, would master the chopsticks much less the samurai sword.

This one movie has given entire Anthropology departments migraines. Sure the Maya did have the odd human sacrifice but not to Kulkulkan, the Sun God, and only high-ranking captives taken in battle were killed. The conquistadors arriving at the end of the film made for unlikely saviors: an estimated 90% of indigenous American population was killed by smallpox from their infected livestock.
Memoirs of a Geisha

The geisha coming-of-age, called "mizuage," was really more of a makeover, where she changed her hairstyle and clothes. It didn't involve her getting... intimate with a client. In the climactic scene where Sayuri wows Gion patrons with her dancing prowess, her routine - which involves some platform shoes, fake snow, and a strobe light - seems more like a Studio 54 drag show than anything in pre-war Kyoto.

Let's forget the fact that kilts weren't worn in Scotland until about 300 years after William Wallace's day and just do some simple math. According to the movie, Wallace's blue-eyed charm at the Battle of Falkirk was so overpowering, he seduced King Edward II's wife, Isabella of France, and the result of their affair was Edward III. But according to the history books, Isabella was three years old at the time of Falkirk, and Edward III was born seven years after Wallace died.
Elizabeth: The Golden Age

In 1585, when the movie takes place, Queen Elizabeth was 52 years old - Cate Blanchett was 36 when she shot the film - and was not being courted by suitors like Ivan the Terrible (who was dead by then). And though the movie has her rallying the troops at Tilbury astride a white steed in full armor with a sword, in fact she rode side saddle, carrying a baton. She was more of a regal majorette than Joan of Arc.
The Patriot

Revolutionary War figure Francis "The Swamp Fox" Marion was the basis for Mel Gibson's character, but he wasn't the forward-thinking family man they show in the flick. He was a slave owner who didn't get married (to his cousin) until after the war was over. Historians also say that he actively persecuted and murdered native Cherokees. Plus, the thrilling Battle of Guilford Court House where he vanquishes his British nemesis? In reality, the Americans lost that one.
2001: A Space Odyssey

According to this film, in year 2001 we would have had manned voyages to Jupiter, a battle of wits with a sentient computer, and a quantum leap in human evolution. Instead we got the Mir Space Station falling from the sky, Windows XP, and Freddy Got Fingered. Apparently the lesson here is that sometimes it's better when the movies get the facts all wrong.
※Original article from : Yahoo! Movies
昨天我也本來要跟妳說這個哎,幸好當初沒去看10000 bc
ReplyDelete姊姊....偶看了八成ㄋㄟ >o<
ReplyDeleteAnyway, 不過是部電影嘛~就像我說的,自己看得開心就好,別全盤相信它的內容就好囉! ^^"