別告訴泰咪一張是布萊德彼特、一張是凱特布蘭琪吔!這泰咪自己也看得出來..... =_="
【班傑明的奇幻旅程】已先後獲得金球獎、全美影評人協會等各大團體之最佳影片、導演、男女主角、改編劇本、配樂....等獎項之提名,且被視為今年奧斯卡的大熱門。目前在 IMDb 之網友評分高達不得了的 8.6 顆星 (滿分 10 顆),在資料庫中站上總排名第 64 位!
此片在美國已於聖誕節當天上映,泰咪已經期待它多時,但台灣竟然得等到 2/13 才看得到.....
(迷之聲:怎麼還那麼久啊~~過了聖誕節過了元旦過了春節,甚至連元宵節都過了,2/13 是哪門子鬼檔期啊??)
Look at the above posters closer, can you tell the differences? (Click images to enlarge)
Don't say one is Brad Pitt, another one is Cate Blanchett. Tammy can see it myself.... =_="
Yes, you're right. It's film title & character names. The letters on Brad Pitt one is reversed!
In order to respond to the main character, Benjamin's backward life, the letters are designed to shown inversely. Tammy thinks this idea is very brilliant, I like it!
"The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button" has been nominated by Golden Globes & other awards in some main categories, such as Best film, director, leading or supporting roles, screenplay, and original score etc., and is expected one of the hit film of this year's Oscar. It currently has incredible 8.6 out of 10 stars on IMDb's user rating, stands as high as No.64 of all time films in the database!
It's been released on Christmas Day in the US. Tammy had been expected this movie for long time, but Taiwan's audience can't see it earlier than 13 Feb. (Well, keep counting down the days is all I can do....)
Story :
"I was born under unusual circumstances."
And so begins “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” adapted from the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards. A man, like any of us, unable to stop time. We follow his story set in New Orleans from the end of World War I in 1918, into the 21st century, following his journey that is as unusual as any man’s life can be. Directed by David Fincher, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” is a time traveler’s tale of the people and places he bumps into along the way, the loves he loses and finds, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time.
2/13 不是哪門子鬼檔期,是情人節超級檔期耶!
ReplyDelete也對喔,完全忽視 2/14 的存在.....
To 窮鬼リカ: