(碎碎唸:怎麼感覺身邊總是大小事一個接一個來?? 自年假開始,直到大年初一晚上的現在.... 喔,不,該說初二了呢,才稍有空閒整理一下這幾天的見聞和大伙分享.....)
話說除夕前一天,妮可老師託泰咪去買要給小小外甥 ─ 小恩看的幼教 DVD,於是泰咪便趕在除夕下午多數店家打烊前,去了趟久違好幾個月的唱片行
(認真逛遍幾乎整家店,真過癮啊~~ ^^)
泰咪在每次進唱片行必看的電影原聲帶區意外發現,2/13 才會在台上映的【班傑明的奇幻旅程】,台壓版原聲帶竟然已經早一步上架了耶!!!

CD1 是原創配樂、CD2 則選錄了由 Louis Armstrong、The Platters 等傳奇藝人與樂手用樂聲所塑造的紐奧良爵士風華。
在唱片愈賣愈少、售價節節攀升的時代,不算大眾市場的電影原聲帶還能以「兩張CD一張價」的策略推出,實在是佛心來的,這簡直是天意要泰咪買給自己的新年禮物嘛!!! XDD
預祝被提名 13 個獎項的班傑明,能在 2/22 傍晚 (台北時間 2/23 早上) 舉行的奧斯卡大放異彩囉!
Disc: 1
1. Postcards 明信片
2. Mr. Gateau 蓋丘先生
3. Meeting Daisy 遇見黛西
4. A New Life 嶄新的人生
5. Love in Murmansk 默曼斯克的愛戀
6. Meeting Again 重逢
7. Mr. Button 巴頓先生
8. "Little Man" Oti "小個頭"歐提
9. Alone at Night 孤單之夜
10. It Was Nice to Have Met You 見到你真好
11. Children's Games 小孩子的遊戲
12. Submarine Attack 潛水艇的攻擊
13. The Hummingbird 蜂鳥
14. Sunrise on Lake Pontchartrain 波夏川湖的日出
15. Daisy's Ballet Career 黛西的芭蕾人生
16. The Accident 意外
17. Stay Out of My Life 遠離我的人生
18. Nothing Lasts 世事無永恆...
19. Some Things You Never Forget 永世難忘
20. Growing Younger 變得更年輕
21. Dying Away 臨終
22. Love Returns 真愛重現
23. Benjamin and Daisy 班傑明與黛西
Original Score Composed, Conducted and Produced by Alexandre Desplat
Disc: 2
1. My Name is Benjamin - Benjamin Button
2. We Shall Walk Through the Streets of the City - Doc Paulin's Marching Band
3. Some days I Feel Different - Queenie & Benjamin Button
4. Ostrich Walk - Frank Trumbauer and His Orchestra featuring Bix Beiderbecke
5. How Old Are You? - Benjamin Button & The Preacher
6. That's How Rhythm Was Born - The Boswell Sisters
7. When Was The Last Time You Had A Woman? - Benjamin Button & Captain Mike
8. Freight Train Blues (Traditional) - Billie & DeDe Pierce (5:34)
9. Basin Street Blues - Preservation Hall Jazz Band
10. Thanksgiving, 1930 - Benjamin Button
11. If I Could Be With You (One Hour Tonight) - Louis Armstrong and His Sebastian New Cotton Club Orchestra
12. What's YOUR Secret? - Captain Mike & Benjamin Button
13. Chanson Sur Staline - Choeur de la Cathedral de la Rue Daru, Paris XVII
14. A Date Which Will Live In Infamy... - Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1941
15. Arabeske For Piano In C Major Op. 18
16. Coming Home - Benjamin Button
17. Out Of Nowhere - Sidney Bechet
18. Dear Old Southland - Louis Armstrong
19. Defined By Opportunities - Benjamin Button
20. Skokiaan - Pérez Prado & His Orchestra
21. Things Were Becoming Different For Me... - Benjamin Button
22. My prayer - The Platters
23. Bethena (A Concert Waltz) - Randy Kerber
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