印象中,15℃ 應該是開始騎車以來最冷的一次了吧!還有偶爾飄過來的細雨,只有一個字..... 冷~~~啊 !!!
加上入山區之後幾乎只有不斷的上坡 & 下坡,這真是給肉腳泰咪最大的挑戰了..... @_@|||
(喔,過敏泰咪的另一個考驗是源源不絕又無法完全吸回去的鼻水...... XDD)
在我們看到芒果故鄉的那顆醒目大愛文地標後,便把原本預定的終點 ─ 虎頭山拋在腦後啦~~
P.S. 此行相關記錄,請看 Matt 的『低溫,抽筋,流鼻水的四傻之旅』
15℃, it might have been the lowest temperature since I start biking last year. And sometimes came with a little drizzle, all I could say is only...... C.O.L.D !!!
Plus the road condition was almost only up & downhill, it was the hardest challenge to Tammy...... @-@|||
(BTW, another big trial to allergic Tammy was the nonstop running nose...... XDD)
Therefore, we immediately forgot our original destination - Hu-Tou Shan, after we saw the obvious landmark of Yujing - the big MANGO !!
Epilogue : After a night of well sleeping, my shoulders have the most muscular pains today. Wondering how come it's the shoulders......
P.S. See more pix @ Matt's diary !!
肩膀酸痛應該是上坡拉車騎乘姿勢的原因吧...不拉根本上不去 U.U
ReplyDelete嗯.... 我猜跟天氣冷肌肉沒放鬆、肩膀比較ㄍㄧㄥ說不定也有關係....
ReplyDeleteTo Mimi:我那天沒背背包.... XD
ReplyDelete而且我離好手之路還遠得很吶,每次都被上坡打敗得很慘~ ><"