別開玩笑了,泰咪哪來這種能耐啊!其實是因為昨天添購了自行車新行頭 ─ 車褲。
泰咪想找的車褲也一樣,喜歡的短褲只剩大 size、長褲對矮子來說又太長,最後適合的只剩七分褲囉~
等等等等,買車褲的目的就是不想受到要命的陽光荼毒,七分褲仍然無法完全保護雙腿耶,我不要以後無論穿短褲或裙子,腳上都得被迫穿著巧克力色的中統襪啦~~~ ><"
苦思了一晚.... 咦?? 對了,踢足球穿的長襪..... 這方法好像可行耶!!!
這樣有搭嗎?? 管他的,這已經是目前泰咪想到最好的解決辦法了,防曬最重要,至少比穿普通長統襪好看多囉!
Tammy's soccer life starts from now! And the 1st step is to buy a pair of soccer sox!!
Tammy can play soccer?? You gotta be kidding me! Yes, the truth is it's for my new cycling cropped leggings.
What's the connections between cycling cropped leggings and soccer sox?
Cycling sport is now a big boom in Taiwan. Not only the bicycle itself, other accessories are almost sold out in every store, too.
Tammy was looking for a cycling pants, however, either the shorts were only have large size left, or the trousers were too long for a short person like me. The final choice was the cropped leggings fitted me the best.
Wait, the reason Tammy bought the cycling pants was to avoid the sunburn, but the leggings still can't cover the whole legs. NO~ I don't wanna wear the brown sox (sunburned skin) all the time~~~ ><
Keep looking for the resolution last night. Suddenly an idea came up.... the soccer sox seemed workable!!!
Isn't it a bit strange?? Whatever! It's the best solution Tammy came up with so far, at least looks much better than the regular stockings!
ReplyDeleteCool stuff...
ReplyDelete嗯,短褲 + 足球襪...我好像還沒這麼出現過耶!下次再試試囉~
ReplyDeleteBryan 好久不見呢! ^^