
(詳細解說請參考 WIKIPEDIA)
(還有更多沖繩之旅照片在泰咪的 flickr!)

Shurijo (Shuri Castle), the palace of Ryukyu Kingdom. A few centuries of diplomacy & trading activities with neighboring countries, Ryukyu Kingdom's culture was actually the fusion of many different races, especially Chinese & Japanese.
According to records, Shuri Castle burned several times, the latest time was in 1945, during the Battle of Okinawa, it was almost completely destroyed, with only a few walls standing as high as a few decimeters.

In 1992, it was reconstructed on the original site based on photographs, historical records, and memory. The whole project is still going on nowadays.
In 2000, it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
(Read more detail @ WIKIPEDIA)
(More pix of Tammy's journey to Okinawa @ flickr!)
剛開始真以為你是真心要去玩的, 風景啊, 民情啊...到後面....還是頓美食之旅啊...看的胃口都開了....流口水~~~