離開前泰咪竟然隨手就把OA隔牆上的塑膠邊板拆了下來 !!! 真是一整個糗啊 ~~~ =_=
還好事實是那塑膠板本來就沒固定緊,害泰咪以為自己神力女超人的身份不小心曝光了咧..... 呼~
重點是,把它裝回去以後,才發現手指上多了這道傷痕啦 ~~~~~ ><"
Suddenly thought of 1 thing I almost forget just before leaving the office, took the stuff to Tammy's co-worker that I've promised to.
Finished the chatting, Tammy tore down the plastic cover just when my hands left her OA wall !!!
It was so embarrassing~~~ XD
Fortunately the fact was that cover didn't fixed well in the first place. My "Superwoman" identity was almost exposed this time!!
Putting back the cover, Tammy noticed there was a plastic cut on my finger.......

Luckily it wasn't bleed much~