公司裡一組組人馬紛紛熱烈討論各自的行程,泰咪也和同伴計劃著首次、有可能單日 "將近" 破百的雄心壯志哩!
午夜三點多,颱風般的暴風雨,一整個瞬間澆熄大家的熱情了....... U_U
睡吧睡吧,繼續睡啦 ~~~~~

A whole day good weather yesterday, hopeful that today would be a nice biking day as well.
Many coworkers were talking about their own schedules. Tammy & the mates were planning our 1st time, "almost" over-100km-in-a-day route!
A storm-like downpour started around 3:00am, suddenly extinguished the fire in our heart..... U_U
Alright, nothing can do but go back to sleep!!
Now the thickest cloud layer is just right on the coast of Tainan area. CWB's(*) recent weather forecast was pretty accurate..... sign.....
※ CWB:Taiwan's governmental Central Weather Bureau.