是滴,又去了擁有第一次難忘經驗的關廟森林公園。BUT.... 這次只到門口照張相就回又動身往回程出發了。
為了證明不是只把上次的照片拿出來再PO一次,這回讓車子也入鏡了喲! ^_^
單程距離持續慢慢增加中,嗯~ 不錯不錯!
Had a trip alone again at last Sat.
Yes, it's the 2nd visit to Guan-Miao Forrest Park. BUT.... only at the entrance this time.
In order to prove it's not the old photo, I shot my bike in this time! ^_^
Actually Tammy saw the sign of HSR Station on the way to Guan-Miao and decided to make an accidental stop there. This additional route actually added quite a distance for this trip, which was pretty good!
The distance for each trip is progressing. Well done! Tammy!! ^^