理查拉葛瑞夫尼斯演而優則導,這部感人的電影,改編自暢銷小說,由金獎影后希拉蕊史旺與傑瑞德巴特勒(《 300壯士:斯巴達的逆襲 》),一同深情演出;而該片製作人 Wendy Finerman 近期最為人知的作品,即是去年頗受好評的《 穿著Prada的惡魔 》。
一見鍾情的哈莉(希拉蕊史旺 飾)與傑瑞(傑瑞德巴特勒 飾),在短時間內結為夫妻,兩人沈浸在幸福的婚姻中沒多久,傑瑞就重病而過世了,頓時成為年輕寡婦的她,躲在屋子裡不與人來往,直到她在30歲生日當天接到丈夫生前留給她的信 ─ 一段寫在蛋榚上的訊息、和一捲錄音帶,要哈莉開心地慶祝自己的生日。
知道自己不久於世的傑瑞在生前為哈莉留下了一套 "療傷計劃",讓她忘掉傷痛走出自己的人生。在這十封以各種型態出現的書信裡,唯一相同的地方就是,他在每封信的結尾都留下了 ”P.S. 我愛你"....
台灣好像預定在農曆春節檔期上演,希望這不是一部「預告片」型的電影才好啊... 呵~
P.S. 泰咪只注意到男主角 Gerard Butler 演過《 300壯士 》,直到看過演員表,才恍然大悟他就是《 古墓奇兵 2 》裡蘿拉亦敵亦友的前男友、及《 歌劇魅影 》裡最重要的角色:魅影!
最近的反應及聯想力似乎有愈來愈遲頓的趨勢.... 唉.....
Saw this film's ad on AOL days ago, and that caused movie buff's curiosity...
Based on the best-selling novel, the film is from the director of "Freedom Writers" & "Paris, Ja T'aime", and the producer of "The Devil Wears Prada". Played by the Oscar winner Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa Kudrow, and Kathy Bates etc.
Holly Kennedy (Hilary Swank) is beautiful, smart and married to the love of her life-- a passionate, funny, and impetuous Irishman named Gerry (Gerard Butler). So when Gerry's life is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of Holly.
The only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry. So it's a good thing he planned ahead.
Before he died, Gerry wrote Holly a series of letters that will guide her, not only through her grief, but in rediscovering herself.
The first message arrives on Holly's 30th birthday in the form of a cake, and to her utter shock, a tape recording from Gerry, who proceeds to tell her to get out and "celebrate herself".
In the weeks and months that follow, more letters from Gerry are delivered in surprising ways, each sending her on a new adventure and each signing off in the same way; P.S. I Love You.
Holly's mother (Kathy Bates) and best friends (Gina Gershon) and Denise (Lisa Kudrow), begin to worry that Gerry's letters are keeping Holly tied to the past, but in fact, each letter is pushing her further into a new future.
With Gerry's words as her guide, Holly embarks on a touching, exciting and often hilarious journey of rediscovery in a story about marriage, friendship and how a love so strong can turn the finality of death into a new beginning for life.
The movie trailer looked touching and heart-warming. Not only the love between Holly & Gerry, also the family & friendship to help Holly overcomes her sorrow.
Hope it's not only looks great on trailer. ha~
P.S. Tammy only noticed that Gerard Butler was in "300", until I saw the full cast list and suddenly thought of he was also in " Lara Croft Tomb Raider 2" as Lara's ex-boyfriend, and the most important role in "The Phantom of the Opera", The Phantom!
Tammy's memory seems getting worse.... sigh.... u_u
看來blog有因為放假而增加速度在寫阿 XD
ReplyDeleteohhhhhh, 我去看這部電影囉
ReplyDelete哭的好慘ㄚ.... @_@~~~