多年的願望,總算得以實現!....雖然只是以另一種型式啦... XD
由太陽馬戲團知名戲碼「Mystère」、「O」的導演 Franco Dragone 自行成立的公司 DRAGONE 所創作,世紀天后席琳狄翁在拉斯維加斯的秀「A NEW DAY...」,一直是泰咪很希望能親臨觀賞的表演。然而,自2003年3月首唱以來,原本預定演出三年的秀,在全球觀眾的佳評如潮下,直至延長到今年12月15日的謝幕最終場,泰咪始終沒有恰當的機會能親自一睹這700場次全數售罄、超過300萬人參與的盛會....畢竟台灣到美國是段不短的旅程呀....
泰咪本想直接從美國購買這套DVD,以泰咪目前找到的最低售價,加上將近商品價格80%的快遞運費後,竟然還比台灣便宜約一成左右耶~若選擇以一般郵局包裹寄送則差更多!但.... 考慮到泰咪爸媽需要中文字幕(雖然他們去賭城親身體驗過席琳的 Live 魅力了),還是得忍痛買台版囉....
P.S. 凱撒宮飯店當初特地為席琳所興建的表演場地 ─「羅馬競技場」真是很不得了啊,比賭城裡一般秀場更多的座位、寬廣的舞台、舞台背景逼真的超大LED螢幕.... 只有嘆為觀止能形容了!
My dream for years has finally come true! ....Well, sort of....
Created by DRAGONE(*), Celine Dion's live in Las Vegas - "A NEW DAY..." had always been one of the performances Tammy wanted to see. However, since the first show started in March 2003, this 3-year commitment had even been extended until the very last performance on 15 December this year, Tammy still didn't get the chance to see this smash hit in person... (journey to the US isn't an easy plan after all...)
In this 2 DVD set contains the show itself, 3 exclusive documentaries : travel to Las Vegas with the fans - join Celine at home, in her car, in her dressing room, and even backstage. More than 5 hours of never-before-seen footage to let the fans get the full access to Celine's performance.
Tammy was thinking to buy this DVD online through the US. As the lowest price I've found, plus the priority shipping fee which equals 80% cost of DVD itself, it's still about 10% cheaper than in Taiwan! Not to mention it'll even lower if choosing standard shipment. But, considering Tammy's parents need the Mandarin sustitle (though they'd seen this show in Vegas personally), I cannot help but buy the TW edition with higher price....
P.S. The Colosseum @ Caesars Palace, the arena specially built for Celine's show, is really amazing! More seats than the regular performance hall in Vegas, spacious stage, super huge & lifelike LED background screen.... THE COLOSSEUM IS AWESOME!!!
*DRAGONE is the show production company formed by Franco Dragone, the director of Cirque Du Soleil's "Mystère" & "O" etc.
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