昨天騎車去安平,同事帶我們走一條少有人知的堤防道路,大概市政府沒經費維護,只有一開始的一小段是平整的,之後超過一半的路程全是 off road,黃土路面下的大型網狀鐵片全都裸露出來了,難怪有人說騎完那一段之後輪胎有被割傷的痕跡。
由於是窄輪胎,泰咪一路都看著地面,小心翼翼地閃開危險障礙物,根本無暇顧及河面上的美麗景色... XD


(P.S. 真正post這篇文章的時間晚了顯示日期四天,其實泰咪早就寫好了,一直擱著的原因,是英文部分只完成一半啦.... ><)
Feeling my life's more and more healthy these days!
Tammy biked to Anping yesterday, one colleague took us to an embarkment not known by many people. Except the beginning, more than half route is all off road, lots of big iron nets had already exposed on the road surface, no wonder some people said their tires were slashed after that route! Guess the city government probably doesn't have extra budget maintaining it... ha!
Since Tammy's narrow tires were usually for road bikes to ride on flat roads, I kept concentrating on watching the road surface to avoid those big rocks & iron nets, totally didn't have time watching the beautiful birds & river view... XD
This morning we went to "Neopu Mudstone Soil & Water Conservation Pedagogical Park" at Longchi, Tainan county. Its geography was like "Moon World" in Kaohsiung. The government tried different conservation methods to grow plant in the park, makes it no more moon-surface like.
308 High Land (named from its height, 308 meters), now a popular location to be challenged by cyclists, finally Tammy had the chance to see it in person. Continuous & endless uphills, some were even looked difficult for cars!
Imaging Tammy bikes on 308.... I will probably wish to die!! haha~
嗯嗯,最近都有認真享受!! 呵~