聖誕節當天,泰咪妹2号打工的咖啡店店長得知泰咪媽在大阪,特地準備了一 "大" 包小西點&蛋糕送給泰咪媽!(別懷疑,真的是一大包,如果用買的應該也得花不少...)
日本人真的很愛過西方的聖誕節,據泰咪妹說當天店裡除了預約的客人,購買外帶小點心的人潮更是絡繹不絕,讓她忙到腿軟!要不是一早去就先預留一塊 Xmas cake 要給泰咪媽,晚上下班時冰櫃早就空空如也啦~
On Xmas day, Rei's boss(*) prepared a "BIG" bag of cakes & cookies for her when she knew Tammy's mom is in Osaka! (Believe me, it's really not small, probably cost quite some if buying all...)
Japanese really like this traditional western holiday. Except the customers who had made the reservations, Rei said the stream of people bought cakes to go never stopped, too! If she didn't keep a Xmas cake for mom in the morning, the freezer would had been empty at the end of that day!
(*Rei is Tammy's little sister who works part-time at a cafe)
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