希臘小島的美麗風光、多采多姿的畫面、ABBA 歷久不衰且耳熟能詳的歌曲、演員們對角色恰如其分的詮釋... 均是這部電影吸引人的原因啊~
最令泰咪 (或者多數人) 驚豔的,莫過於影后梅莉史翠普了!超過30年的演藝生涯中,歷經多次高低起伏,泰咪記得她曾在多年前公開發出不平之鳴:「女演員年過XX歲 (好像是30幾吧),戲路就嚴重受限,演出機會日漸減少;反觀男演員卻是愈老愈吃香....」
(後來上 IMDb 看過演員檔案,才知道原來梅莉阿姨早期是傾向歌劇界發展,難怪有此種等級的實力呢!)
『媽媽咪呀!』全劇幾乎以瑞典樂團 ABBA 多首知名曲子串連而成。於1970年代早期組成的 ABBA,儘管在到了80年代後,隨著各種其他類型音樂的出現及英國新浪潮運動的發展,而讓當時的人們感覺 ABBA 的音樂已不再是主流;但時至21世紀初期的今日,回過頭來欣賞 ABBA 30多年前的作品,卻驚嘆於為何他們當時就能創作出如此多經典,讓現代的我們依舊覺得這些曲子支支動聽、朗朗上口。
去年夏天『媽媽咪呀!』音樂劇來台公演,泰咪因故未前往欣賞 (當時對劇情不甚熟悉亦是原因之一);今年夏天,泰咪很慶幸親臨戲院,在大螢幕及優異音效設備下觀賞這部,令人忍不住想跟著打節拍、隨著主角們歡唱的電影 ─ 『媽媽咪呀!』

Haven't seen such pleasant film for quite a while!
Stunning scenery of Greek island, colorful scenes, ABBA's long lasting & well-known songs, the prettily performances by the actors... are all the reasons make this movie attractive.
What Tammy thought the most surprising in the film was the academy award winner, Meryl Streep, the actress who had gone through a few peak & low points in her more than 30 years of acting career.
Tammy remember she once said in public : The characters for an actress will be strictly narrowed down once our age is over 3x. In an opposite way, actors always get more opportunities.... However, auntie Meryl was never trapped by her own speech. She proves it to the world again and again by her stunning acting.
2 years ago, the tyrannical & bossy chief editor of fashion magazine in "The Devil Wears Prada", the audience & media talked about her performance much more than the young leading role, Anne Hathaway. And now, the 60-to-be actress sings & dances in "MAMMA MIA!", once again she shows the world how far she can go!
Tammy read the report before this project started, said because Meryl herself liked this musical very much, when she knew this movie project, she then did lots of preparation privately, and decided she wanted to star in this film. After seeing the movie, auntie Meryl's performance was just as expected, especially her pro-like vocals!
(After that Tammy read her biography on IMDb, Meryl's early performing ambitions leaned toward the opera. No wonder she had such surprising performance in "MAMMA MIA!".)
"MAMMA MIA!" is based on the songs of ABBA, a smash hit music group formed in the early 70s. Followed by other new genres of music kept growing in 80s, people then thought ABBA's work was no more main stream but old fashioned. However, today we look back and listen to those songs created before more than 30 years ago, we marvelled that how they could write so many everlasting melodies which we still think they are not out of date at all.
For some reasons, Tammy didn't go to the stage musical "MAMMA MIA!" last summer (didn't know the plot that much was the one). This summer, I'm glad that I saw "MAMMA MIA!" on big screen, a movie which will make you wanna sing & dance along!
ReplyDeleteTook me quite a few nights to get it done....