The Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum, quietly locating at the suburb of Osaka, an area where let Tammy felt : It must be great if I can live in such environment......

Inventor of the world's 1st instant ramen (noodle), Momofuku Ando. And he was a Taiwanese!

The epochal invention as great as the fossil?!?!

Where the world's 1st instant noodle was born.


Green onion looks quite real!

CUP NOODLE vending machine in the old time.

Start making my own CUP NOODLE

Thinking about what to draw on the cup......

Everybody concentrated on drawing~~~

MY CUP NOODLE is done!

Spin the handle to put the noodle in.

Choose our own soup flavor & trimming

Cover it up

Seal the cup

Completely done! It even has an air bag for protecting my own CUP NOODLE!

Some specific areas limited flavors are sold in the museum. These are served in JAL flights, BUSINESS CLASS (or higher) ONLY!

Drawing work again?!?!

It's the experiencing class of making the world's 1st instant noodle - Nissin Chicken Ramen. From mixing dough to packaging, you can produce a totally your own pack of noodle! Too bad the class was already full 1 month before we visit the museum.....

Nissin's famous logo is so cute!

The Instant Ramen Tunnel
Cup Noodle是小時候的貴族泡麵啊,每次吃的時候都很興奮。
to Bryan:
ReplyDeleteCUP NOODLE 這個歷久不衰的產品,前陣子還請到木村拓哉拍了一系列廣告呢!
泡麵發明記念館雖然不大,但真的是個蠻值得去的地方~ ^^