泰咪恰巧在 WalletPop 上看到一篇 "Big Name Makeovers 2008" 系列報導,挑幾個較台灣所熟知的產品和大家分享一下唄~
What's a company to do when sales slump and interest in its product or service fades? One option: A major makeover. Tammy picked a couple of examples which are familiar in Taiwan from the article "Big Name makeovers 2008" on WalletPop to share with all my friends!

高檔巧克力市場不斷擴張的今天,M&M's 製造公司 Mars 當然也不會放過這區塊,推出了 M&M's Premiums。1941年上市,特地為戰場上士兵所設計的零食,強調『只融你口、不融你手』的 M&M's,如今也增加了新風貌.....
取代大家所熟悉的袋裝巧克力豆,M&M's Premiums 為盒裝,口味則有杏仁、覆盆子杏仁、摩卡、薄荷、三重巧克力等五種。最大的差別在於,沒有了招牌脆皮外表,取而代之的是稍軟的糖衣,且比傳統 M&M 更大顆一點。
The high-end chocolate market is expanding, so Mars is trying to cash in with M&M's Premiums, a specialty line of the candy which was launched in 1941 as a treat for soldiers that wouldn't melt in the battlefield.
The new version comes in brightly-colored boxes, rather than small bags, and comes in flavors like chocolate almond, raspberry almond, mocha, triple chocolate and mint. The biggest difference is that the new version does not have that signature crunchy candy shell, but instead has a softer glaze and each nugget is larger than a regular M&M.

在美國,茶類飲料銷售量在 2007 年成長了 24%,尤其綠茶更是像坐上火箭般的業績直衝,因此雀巢希望將此產品線與其他商品做區隔。瘦長型的透明保特瓶、搭配看來清新舒爽的標籤設計、加上全系列天然成分口味等因素,看上去的確是很吸引人啊~
Iced tea is more popular than ever, and so Nestea has decided to make its bottles look as different as possible from traditional soda bottles.
Sales in the tea category went up 24 percent in 2007 -- with green tea sales skyrocketing in particular -- and so now Nestea wants tea to stand on its own. The new bottles are sleek and thin with clean graphics that call out the antioxidant content and all-natural elements of the flavoring.
Judging by the sudden surge in popularity, you might think iced tea is a relatively new phenomenon, but Nestea, which is owned by Coke, has been around for 50 years.
※ 殘念的是,上面這些新產品&新設計,台.灣.通.通.都.沒.有.....
※ Too bad is, all of those new product line & new designs CAN'T BE SEEN IN TAIWAN.....
ReplyDelete可惡 台灣居然沒賣
我也很好奇 "高檔" 的 M&M 吃起來有什麼差異呢! ^^
就.. 恨吶... >.<~~
能讓愛買小姐飲恨,看來這商品的魅力還真大呀!呵~ ^^