非常具有紀念意義的破百之旅,泰咪也做到了喲!!! (.....是"幾乎"破百啦..... ^^)
The memorable 1st over-100 trip, Tammy had done it, too!!! (Well, almost 100..... ^^)
從佳里出發後的第一個休息點:布袋的 7-11,補充身體水分中 (東石,我很快就來啦~)
Stop 1 : 7-11 @ Budai Township. Having water supply. (Dongshih, wait for me, I'll be there soon!)

Puzih Creek Bike Route, an important sign to us. We were almost there~
沒人曉得,這裡才是全程最煎熬的開始..... (可怕超級逆風!! >.<)No one knew the toughest task was just about to begin from here.... (super headwind!! >.<)

Dongshih Fisherman's Dock, we were here!!!
The park. Only one word to describe it : HOT HOT HOT!!
納涼一下唄~ 小C & 小白
Took a rest, our bikes.
又熱又累,連腰都彎嘍!呵~ (6/23更正:當事人澄清,彎腰是伸展筋骨!^^)
Hot & exhausted like a dog.... haha~ (6/23 update: The owner of this back said that was stretching! ^^)

Unexpected vision during our return trip. (Taken by Matt)
(1) 里程數/Trip Distance
(2) 加上牽車散步的平均時速/Average Speed (with walking included)
(3) 全程騎乘時數/Traveling Time
(4) 泰咪的小C總共跑了快700km了唷!/Tammy's Corratec has traveled almost 700km~
去程才剛跑不到10km,泰咪的碼表就小小罷工了一下..... XD
實際總里程數可能在 93~94km 左右吧!
Tammy's speed sensor went on strike while the journey wasn't even over 10km..... XD
So the total trip distance might be about 93~94km!
布袋呀布袋,我們和你無冤無仇,為何去程送我們逆風的考驗、回程再度給了同樣的煎熬啦 ~~~~~ ><"
※ 後記:在連續維持趴坐騎姿總共四個多小時後,這次最痠的地方在腰子部位......
P.S. Read more photo descriptions @ Tammy's flickr!