昨天聊到的 MOS 季節限定新商品,是想對照這兩次是否為相同東西,才PO了去年「南蠻雞腿堡」的照片,可不是泰咪偷懶吔~
為了澄清,說什麼也要補上熱騰騰、今晚剛吃的「南洋雞腿堡」以茲證明啦 !!!
不過呢,從漢堡裡的高麗菜絲,就能明顯看出物價上漲的程度了..... >_<
Talked of「Southern Style Chicken Burger」yesterday, Tammy posted the pix taken last year in order to compare the items in these 2 years. Trust me, it really wasn't because of Tammy's laziness!
And now you have my word. Here's hot & fresh, photo of 「South Sea Chicken Burger」taken tonight!!!
However, from the amount of cabbage shreds, we easily see how the price is raised now..... >_<
ReplyDelete我也有這種感覺.... U_U