In the recent years, there's probably no other Japanese Enka singers can be the hit among all kinds of audiences except for Kiyoshi Hikawa. However, things changed since February this year. JP's music industry's having a new phenomenon!
Who is this totally new guy that sings the old-fashioned Enka, and climb up to the ORICON top 5 on his debut single?!
什麼?! 一個黑人唱演歌?!?! 是的,你沒看錯。JERO,來自美國匹茲堡的黑人,如願以償來到日本,成為一名演歌歌手。
What? An African American?! Performs Japanese Enka?!?! Yes, you're right. JERO, who came from Pittsburgh, PA, USA, has finally made his dream come true, to be an Enka singer.
JERO 的祖母為日本人,二次大戰時嫁給美國大兵。因為這層關係,JERO 自幼便喜愛日文,更時常唱演歌討祖母歡心。2003年 JERO 遠渡重洋到日本,征戰各地參加歌唱比賽,立志成為演歌歌手。終於唱片公司發掘了他,密秘培訓兩年,上個月以單曲『海雪』正式出道,果然馬上成為話題!
JERO's grandmother is a Japanese, married to the US soldier during WWII. Because of this reason, JERO likes Japanese language since he was little, and started to sing Enka to pleased his grandmother. He went to Japan in 2003, and took many Karaoke contests all over in Japan, just hope to make his wish can be accomplished someday, to be an Enka singer. Fortunately, the music studio finally discovered him, and gave him 2 years of vocal training. JERO made his debut in February, and the first single『Umiyuki』(Marine Snow) was soon became a smash hit!

It's quite interesting to see a black man who wearing and dancing hip-hop, but singing the real traditional Japanese Enka. Every time Tammy watches it and can't help laughing! You wouldn't believe this Japanese song which sounds more real than the truly Japanese, is performed by an African American! However, the studio may have already considered that JERO's special background, the transcription of his song is a little different from other regular Enka songs!
誰說特定音樂就只屬於特定民族或膚色?JERO 證明了沒有牢不可破的文化藩籬!!! 加油啊~JERO!!
Who says that certain style of music can only be performed by the certain race or color of people? JERO proves that no any culture barrier can't be torn down!! JERO, YOU ROCK!!!