Monday, August 18, 2008

Ramen Kagetsu Arashi/拉麵花月 嵐


Been to Taipei a few weeks ago. Since I still had some free time, I had lunch @ Breeze Center @ 2nd floor of Taipei Train Station.

Rambling around the center, the main purpose was looking for this store~

拉麵花月 嵐 (日本らあめん花月官網請由此進),自去年10月底微風美食廣場開幕以來,看過一些介紹,就一直想找機會嚐嚐,看它是否真如報導所言的好吃。

Ramen Kagetsu Arashi (Click Ramen Kagetsu to Japan's official site). Tammy had read some articles about it since Breeze Center was open, and always wanted to have a try.

MENU 設計還蠻精緻的呢~
Menu's design looked nice~

泰咪媽點的大蒜拳骨拉麵 (原湯口味)
Tammy's mom ordered Ninniku Genkotsu Ramen (soup made of garlic & pig's bone).
Mm.... it reached a certain level, not bad~

Tammy had
Ninniku Genkotsu Ramen Shiro (soup had same base as above, plus natural salt from Japan).
This soup was tasty! but I didn't like the egg was too well-done.....

Specially made spicy leeks. (It was really hot!!)

花月嵐特製秘傳拉麵醬油 (有大蒜味)
Specially made soy sauce for ramen (with garlic flavor)
Said on menu this can be added to the soup if you think it is not salty enough. Tammy used it as dip for gyoza (fried dumpling).

Here came the gyoza~
The taste was nothing special, and the skin wasn't crispy enough.

Ramen (noodle) itself was a bit overcooked (too soft), and it was not the same ramen used in Japan. Guess it might be hard to find the same kind in Taiwan?

Chashu pork was not bad, enough fat in it. Not like most Japanese Ramen in Taiwan, consider that most people don't like too much grease, and use the lean.
One more thing, I had to admire that they can slice the pork to such thin slices.....

點餐時店員告訴我們,他們的湯頭比較濃,如果到時覺得太鹹,可以請他們加水。泰咪 & 泰咪媽喝過之後的一致結論是:的確比之前吃過的別家店好很多,但還是沒日本的濃啦!
The staff told us their soup is stronger than others, they could add hot water for us if we weren't used to this kind of flavor. After give it a try, Tammy & mom's conclusion was : It did really taste better than others, but still not rich enough as the real ramen soup in Japan!

整體來說,進軍到台灣的拉麵花月 嵐,在製作、取材環境都不同的條件下,雖然仍舊比不上日本道地口味是必然的結果,但它已經是泰咪目前為止在台灣吃過最夠水準的日本拉麵了!(或許還有比它更好的,只是泰咪孤陋寡聞不曉得啦~)
Generally speaking, facing the different ingredients & production conditions, I've always known it'll be a sure thing that Ramen Kagetsu Arashi in Taiwan still couldn't reach the regular level in Japan. However, it was truly the best Japanese ramen I've ever had in Taiwan so far! (maybe there must be some more better ones out there, just I don't know yet.)

If you like to taste any different stuff as Tammy, I recommend all my friends to try it!

當天從台南搭乘的高鐵班次,一進站泰咪就覺得:哇~這列車怎麼看起來又髒又舊的啊? 原來它可是大有來頭的、從2004年1月30日便開始服役的,台灣高鐵第一組營運列車呢!(泰咪真是有眼不識泰山哩.....)

Postscript :
The High Speed Rail Tammy took at that day looked a bit old & rusty. After seeing this sign I'd just known it actually was the very first Taiwan High Speed Rail Train, and start being on active duty since 30th, January, 2004!


  1. 上次出差本來也要去吃...排太久=>放棄!那個水煮蛋要是讓我碰到我應該會退貨喔,我又不是在吃鹽味拉麵!!!!

  2. 還好那天早上11點多抵達就去吃了,幸運的不必排隊 ^.^Y


    嗯... 還有啊,那碗白濃口味依照說明應該就是鹽味耶,而且日本官網沒寫"白濃",真接就寫鹽味了....

  3. 那個蛋看起來果然是....很残念....



  4. 哈哈哈~涮涮鍋這形容還真貼切啊!!!
