一個人的悠閒假日,本想去買份 MOS 稍稍滿足自己的口腹之慾,卻又懶得騎車出門人擠人還找不到停車位......
改變目標,去很久沒光顧、走路就可輕鬆到達的 Burger King 吧!

初次嚐試的 Cheese 口味美乃滋,搭配酥脆培根與熟悉的吉士堡,嗯,還不賴~
"犇"牛肉堡特色在哪?就像美國官網上說的:"No Veggies Allowed!" (蔬菜?門都沒有!)
配上洋蔥圈和頗有後勁的咖哩(小)雞翅,多麼美好又垃圾的一餐啊~~~ XDD
A totally alone Sunday. Thinking to have MOS to reward myself, but don't wanna take endless time to find a parking space at the crowded downtown.....
Changed the plan, to the didn't visit for long time, walkable Burger King!
Staff recommended the new item, BK Stacker. OK, this is it!
Cheese burger and crispy bacon, plus the 1st time tasted cheese flavor mayo. Mmm.... not bad~
The feature of BK Stacker? Just like it's said on the BK site: "No Veggies Allowed!"
With onion rings & spicy curry chicken wings, what a wonderful & junk lunch!!! XDD