小插曲....... 泰咪前幾天第一眼瞥見放在桌上的它時,第一個反應是:這盒『大衛杜夫』還真可愛耶~~ 而稍後也見到它的泰咪爸,也說了和泰咪相同的話哩!呵呵~
P.S. 昨晚特地走進百貨公司專櫃去參觀,才知道這小小一罐的零售價與機上的免稅售價,竟然相差 $60 之多 !!! 呼~
It's been proofed again, the taste of the top grade chocolate is just unique, even it looks no other difference with those common ones.
When it melted in the mouth, you felt the distinct aroma of cocoa and smooth mouthfeel that other general ones didn't have; and the message your brain received was : Wow, how could this chocolate tasted so yummy !!!
Interlude...... When Tammy first glanced it on the table a few days before, the immediate react was : What a cute "Davidoff" !! and Tammy's dad said the same thing when he saw this little box a couple of hours later !!! haha~~
P.S. Last night Tammy walked into GODIVA counter, and found out the prices @ retail and duty free shop on the plane is as much as NT$60 difference !!!